Become a Disciple-Maker at Maple Grove
At Maple Grove Christian Church, we believe that Disciple-Making is an important part of the Christian’s walk.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19–20 (NIV)
Disciple-Maker Criteria
Disciple-making is not merely about delivering information or truth to a disciple. A key component is living a life that can be replicated. Unquestionably, no one is perfect, so that is obviously never the aim. However, certain practices and values need to be present in a disciplemaker in order to model a life that can be replicated.
Here are the areas that we need to see in the life of our disciplemakers before starting the journey.
A key to disciple-making is being someone who is steady and consistent. One of the key passages in the Bible that defines the qualifications is found in 2 Timothy 2:2, “...commit these things to faithful men ...”
• Consistency in showing up (worship service, Connect Group, serving, etc.).
• Faithful in accountable tithing to the local church.
• Steady rhythm with God (prayer, time in the word of God, etc.).
As a disciplemaker, it is important to be open to input. Because disciple-making pairs are dispersed throughout the church family, having a unified direction is a key to sustaining a defined mission and outcomes. Every disciplemaker within the local church is part of a larger team with the same game plan. Here are some ways that this plays out:
• Open to honest assessment from leadership.
• Receptive of course-correction, if needed.
• Committed to the disciple-making plan of the local church.
We ask disciplemakers to press beyond the ordinary relational levels we often find in the typical church culture. This requires an intentionality on the part of the disciplemaker. Clearly, pushing past the typical level of comfortability is challenging and requires courage, but we strongly believe that this brings about deeper life change.
A primary key to this success is being aware that the ability to press beyond ordinary increases over time as the safeness in the relationship builds.
• Having a willingness to be transparent and vulnerable.
• Exercising the courage to have honest conversations, willing to speak the truth in love.
• Intentionally digging deep in conversations by story-collecting, asking open-ended questions, remembering important parts of previous conversations, and so on.
The disciple-making process is intended to be perpetual. That is, the disciplemaker must see beyond the person in whom they are investing and envision what comes after the journey together.
• Carefully evaluating the choice of disciple to assess their willingness to steward the investment in the future.
• Having a willingness to commit to track with the disciple when finishing the journey together and to support and coach the new disciplemaker when needed.
• Committing to invest in disciples after each disciple-making experience is completed.