Pastor Ordination Service
In this week's special service, Nick Spencer is ordained as a pastor.
Committing our Children to God
In this year's Mother's Day message, pastor Rick Amerine tells us how we can commit our children to God.
Why Believe in the Bible? Part 2
In this week’s message, Pastor Rick Amerine looks at what the Bible actually says and how sometimes, the Bible’s content makes it hard for people to believe.
Why Believe in the Bible? Part 1
Can a reasonably smart person look into the evidence and conclude that the Bible is not only credible but true? In this week’s message, we ask, why believe in the Bible?
Why Believe in God?
The idea of God is so compelling to so many people. Is it possible to logically examine this issue of whether or not God exists and come away saying, "It makes more sense to believe in God than not to believe in God?
Why Believe in the Resurrection?
This Easter Sunday, we begin a new sermon series where we hope to be able to respond to the question, "Why?" This week, we begin with the most significant event in history as we seek to answer, "Why Believe in the Resurrection?"
Who Do You Say That I Am?
In the final message of our series on Four Transformational Questions, youth director Nick Spencer takes a look at the most important question, Who do you say that I am?
Do You Love Me?
In this series, we're looking at four questions Jesus asked that were meant to be life-changing questions. This week's question: Do you love me?